What It Means To Have A Strong Sense Of Self And How To Develop Yours
What does it mean to have a strong sense of self?
Understanding the Concept of a Strong Sense of Self and Methods for Cultivating It
In a world filled with diverse influences and conflicting messages, cultivating a strong sense of self is essential for personal resilience and growth. This concept refers to the deep understanding and acceptance of one's own identity, beliefs, values, and aspirations. By developing a robust sense of self, individuals become less susceptible to external pressures and opinions. One of the main things that get in our way of developing our growth is something known as ‘learned behaviour’.
These are the traits, beliefs, and patterns in our behaviour that we have adopted from early childhood, from our primary caregivers; parents, and carers.
On adopting these behaviours and attitudes, they become so deeply entrenched as we grow through life, that it would be usual to think that the way we are, is unique to self without realizing we are running on autopilot. Facing the reality that we are running on what someone else taught us in our early years is the pathway to our future freedom. Simply put, this means we have reached a place in our lives when we no longer need the ‘learned stuff’ we adopted from our parents/caregivers.
However, when we reach places in our lives that we have outgrown without realizing so, we repeat patterns that don’t bring the results they used to and definitely not what we want or need today. Then we begin to wonder why our ‘usual’ coping methods no longer serve us in the same capacity that they have previously. Ultimately, this is our soul showing us, that another way forward is needed to continue growing in life in a positive and fulfilling direction.
Humans are incredibly good at creating change, yet the mind tells us otherwise. This loop keeps us struggling and feeling lacking. Inadvertently when we resist our soul (those messages we receive deep inside us) and follow what the mind tells us, we look to ignore or point our attention in an outward direction to look for self-fulfillment rather than journeying within. When we look to adapt to life from an external viewpoint, this serves to slow down our progress and the gusto we need to move forward in life with ease and flow. Most people I work with, find themselves in a place of needing to ‘up their own game of life’ whether this is personal or for business needs. It is fair to say, that when we need to make changes to our lives, it means a part of us has outgrown our former self. You may be familiar with the saying by Albert Einstein ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over expecting different results’.
What aspect of self are you looking to change?
Defining a Sense of Self
A strong sense of self encompasses an individual's self-image and awareness. It involves recognizing and solidifying key aspects such as personal values, desires, principles, behaviours, and roles. This introspective process forms the foundation for a resilient and authentic identity.
The Importance of a Strong Sense of Self
Having a well-defined sense of self is crucial for overall well-being, spanning mental, physical, emotional, and soulful realms. It serves as an internal compass, guiding individuals in their interactions with others and aiding in decision-making. Additionally, a strong sense of self facilitates the establishment of healthy boundaries and enables individuals to discern what aligns with their genuine aspirations.
Cultivating a Strong Sense of Self
Building a strong sense of self involves introspection, self-exploration, and continuous growth. It entails reflecting on personal values, beliefs, and experiences to gain clarity and confidence in one's identity.
Additionally, seeking support from trusted mentors or engaging in practices such as self-development, change of mindset, mindfulness and self-expression can aid in the development of a resilient self-concept.
Maintaining Authenticity Amid External Influences
While external factors may influence the individuals' perceptions of themselves, the core of one's sense of self remains an internal process. Acknowledging external input while prioritizing self-definition empowers individuals to uphold their authenticity. By embracing all facets of their identity and experiences, individuals can navigate life's complexities with integrity and purpose.
In essence, cultivating a strong sense of self involves embracing one's own unique identity and values amidst external influences. By nurturing this internal foundation, individuals can navigate life's challenges with resilience, authenticity, and purpose. The more difficult journey to navigate is the journey of avoiding becoming ‘more’ of who we already are.
If what you are reading here, strikes a chord, don’t let life pass you by one more moment.
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Check out my follow-up blog: 6 Signs you have a strong sense of self
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