6 Signs you have a strong sense of self

You make decisions that are best for you independently.

1. You make decisions that are best for you independently.

An individual with a strong sense of self possesses clarity regarding what is conducive to their happiness and well-being, even when others may not comprehend their choices. They navigate decisions of various magnitudes with assurance, and with very little second-guessing as these choices resonate with their authentic identity, fostering self-acceptance. With minimal indecision or self-doubt, they confidently pursue their own path, embracing accountability for their life's direction.

A self-sufficient individual exhibits independence without relying excessively on others and refrains from exerting control over external circumstances. They possess the ability to regulate their emotions without projecting them onto others.


You hold yourself in high esteem

You prioritize personal hobbies, passions, and aspirations that contribute to your soul's nourishment and overall well-being. Acknowledging your imperfections as a part of the human experience, you exude confidence in exploring new endeavours and uncovering different facets of your personality. This trait serves as a significant indicator of robust self-esteem.

This person knows what they are good at and recognizes the things they are not good at without feeling bad or guilty about it.

An example is, I can recognize that I may not be good at high-tech projects, but I am good at communicating with people.

3. You advocate for yourself with conviction.

A robust sense of self enables you to establish clear boundaries and communicate your emotions calmly and effectively. Conversely, lacking a strong sense of self can blur the lines between your identity and others, leading to tendencies toward people-pleasing and excessive accommodation. Moreover, it may result in dismissing others' expressions that don't align with your ideals.

The significance of a strong sense of self transcends daily encounters; it impacts every facet of life. Without it, individuals may experience feelings of disorientation, indecision, anxiety, depression, and a sense of worthlessness. Understanding oneself deeply is pivotal, as it prevents missing out on fulfilling opportunities while inadvertently accepting unsuitable ones.


4. You take pride in your personal growth.

The ability to introspectively assess your development and transformation indicates a deep understanding of oneself—a hallmark of a strong sense of self. Despite the twists and turns in your journey, you find confidence in your past decisions, recognizing their alignment with your values at the time. Striving for coherence across various aspects of your life—be it in platonic, professional, or romantic realms—you actively integrate these facets into a unified identity. You embrace the fluidity of your existence, understanding that you can lead multiple fulfilling lives over time, without molding your priorities to conform to others' expectations. You have a strong faith in your ability to handle adversity and uncertainties.


5. You are responsive to the ebb and flow of life.

Change can be terrifying, but it's a given. Someone with a strong sense of self can manage any curveball tossed in their direction. You instinctively know those challenges are another opportunity to experience new aspects of yourself. You're open to change despite natural fears and anxiety around change itself. A person with a strong sense of self finds ways to keep on going through life’s changes while adapting to the environment.


6. You possess emotional intelligence and navigate your inner landscape with ease.

Achieving this level of awareness requires dedication and often involves therapeutic exploration. By recognizing the triggers for various emotions and taking meaningful action based on this insight, you navigate your personal journey with intention. Your decisions are guided by a deep alignment with your morals and spiritual principles, ensuring integrity in your choices. Connected to your inner self, you respond to life's challenges with healthy and appropriate reactions, demonstrating a profound sense of self-awareness and emotional resilience.

Tips for understanding yourself better

  • Think about all the different parts of who you are, like your race, where you come from, and what you do for a living.

  • Consider how society and the people around you affect how you see yourself.

  • When you're sorting through these different parts of yourself, try to figure out what's really you and what you've learned from others.

By doing this, you can learn more about yourself and what makes you who you are.


Explore your family's past.

Learning about your ancestors (primarily; parents and carers) and their experiences can give you a better understanding of yourself. Knowing your family history can shape your values, beliefs, and how you see the world.


Write down what you believe.

Take time to reflect on your beliefs about yourself, others, and the world. Recognize where these beliefs come from—are they from you, your family, or society? Identifying beliefs that are truly yours can strengthen your sense of self and increase self-awareness. During this process, realisation that you may be still operating some facets of self that have been adopted from others as far back as the early years may arise. Consider the stuff that is no longer serving you, and without attachment, shame, or guilt, be kind and give yourself permission to let it go. It’s ok to keep what works and drop what isn’t working for you, right? This will help you navigate the world more effectively.


Learn how to set healthy boundaries.

While you continue to develop a stronger sense of self, you may realize certain attributes are fundamentally important to you and the types of boundaries you need. It is important to convey that to the people in your life so they can help you affirm it as well. Practice being assertive, and do so with purpose. Being assertive can be very difficult for some people, yet with practice can improve the relationship with yourself and with others in your life.

Take a read my previous blog What It Means To Have a Strong Sense of Helf Here 

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9 things to start doing every day to become more mindful and happier in 60 days


What It Means To Have A Strong Sense Of Self And How To Develop Yours