Awareness of Self
Awareness of Self in mindful ways. Take 3 Full Breaths
You may have heard me say this before, MINDFULNESS is a game changer.
It brings us back home to ourselves, in delicate, discerning ways.
When I was younger, I was always rushing around. I was busy with anything that distracted me from putting my own priorities first, I would put others first before my own importance. Being the youngest of six siblings, I was trained to put ‘everyone’ first, and I ran with the direction handed to me at an early age. Part of me began to live on auto pilot very early on in life, this is how I was taught to live my life!
Sounds familiar?
During my mindful formal training, we were taught a beautiful quick mindfulness technique that changed my life. It was called the 3-Breath Practice. It takes only a few moments to achieve, yet the effect can be long-lasting - now here is the thing...
Of course, you may just drop into this quick mindful intervention and say well what was that? Yet, simply taking a moment to prepare yourself for this, can make a world of difference to how you feel, respond, and think.
To do this, do it on purpose, with the intention that you are inviting care to yourself.
Here's how it works:
First breath: Bring your full attention to breathing. Second breath: Relax the body. Drop your shoulders. Third breath: Ask yourself: What's important right now?
When you are in your head and need a moment to pause, stop thinking about whatever is in your current train of thought and redirect it in a healthy way. Those looking to develop a tool kit can use this mindful experience to stay present and avoid letting their thoughts take over.
Breathing is something our bodies do 24/7, when the switch is made to breathing on purpose and cultivating this practice over time, it’s a game changer.
Thinking this is too simple to be true? Try it, and repeat - what have you got to lose?
Sometimes, we just need to take a break, a meaningful one at that, a break where you not only have created the valuable asset of giving time to your life but a break where you also have the correct support around you to create better more improved ways for your life.
Here you can book your personal Zoom clarity call today.